Traffic Dashboard
The Traffic Dashboard provides in-depth information about recognized and unrecognized people at your site, including:
- Total number of people viewed.
- Percentage of male and female faces.
- Age and sentiment percentages.
- Sentiment scores.

- Directory: User directory from which to run the dashboard.
- Site: Filter that allows you to limit the report to cameras with the specified site value. Site values can be set using the Account Preferences tab within the Desktop Client.
- Source: Filter that allows you to limit the report to a single source. A source is typically a camera but may also be the source ID assigned when processing video from a file or making REST API calls. Source values can be set using the Camera Preferences tab within the Desktop Client.
- Live for last: Number of previous days to include in the dashboard. When this parameter is used, the Traffic Dashboard is dynamically re-generated every 30 seconds using the most recent time frame. For example, if you were to set this parameter to "2" and then leave the dashboard open for a week, it would always display data from the most recent two days. This parameter is mutually exclusive with Time Range below.
- Time Range: Dates to include in the dashboard. This parameter is mutually exclusive with Life for last above.
- Shortest Gap: If a person is viewed by a camera (thus triggering an event), leaves the field of view of the camera, and is then seen by the camera again (thus triggering another event), the two events will be merged into a single event if the time between them is equal to or less than the number of seconds specified by the Shortest Gap parameter.
- Merge same person count: This is a field to help you calculate the Shortest Gap parameter. You can select a value from the drop-down menu, and the correct number of seconds will be calculated and entered into the Shortest Gap field.
- Count Interval: Defines the time interval included in each data bar of the trend chart.
- Count event numbers every: This is a field to help you calculate the Count Interval parameter. You can select a value from the drop-down menu, and the correct number of minutes will be calculated and entered into the Count Interval field.
- Red Alert Count in Interval: When the count within a count interval is greater than this number, the trend chart bar is shown in red. Set this value to zero if you don't want any bars shown in red.
- Yellow Alert Count in Interval: When the count within a count interval is greater than this number, the trend chart bar is shown in yellow. Set this value to zero if you don't want any bars shown in yellow.
- Sub-counts: Specifies which sub-counts, if any, you want displayed on your dashboard. You can choose one or more of the following sub-counts:
- New: Number of unique registered people that appear.
- Return: Total number of registered people that appear. Note that multiple appearances by the same number are counted multiple times for the purpose of this sub-count.
- Person Type: Number of people who appeared with the specified Person Type. Multiple Person Types can be specified by separating the Person Types with a comma. (e.g. "Staff,Teacher,Student")
- Colors: Specifies which color scheme will be used for the dashboard. There are three options: Blue Theme, Green Theme, and Contrast.
- Logo Image URL: Use this to use a custom logo in place of the SAFR logo at the top of the trend chart.
- Scale automatically: When enabled, the dashboard will automatically fill the user's browser window. This facilitates reading the dashboard even when the window is very small. (e.g. on mobile devices)
Below is a sample Traffic Dashboard.

The trend chart is the chart in the upper right corner of the dashboard.
Note that the dashboard can have "Unknown" entries for both gender and age if some of your video feeds didn't have gender and/or age detection enabled during the time frame in question. Both gender and age detection can be enabled or disabled on the Recognition Preferences tab in the Desktop Client.