Events Map
Displays the locations of all generated events within the specified time frame. This report expects that one or more maps will have been uploaded to SAFR using the SAFR Map Command Line Tool.
Note: Because the Map Command Line Tool only ships with the SAFR Platform installer, only on-premises deployments have access to the Map Command Line Tool. Thus, only on-premises deployments will be able to generate Events Maps.

- Directory: User directory from which to run the report.
- Site: Filter that allows you to limit the report to cameras with the specified site value. Site values can be set using the Account Preferences tab within the Desktop Client.
- Source: Filter that allows you to limit the report to a single source. A source is typically a camera but may also be the source ID assigned when processing video from a file or making REST API calls. Source values can be set using the Camera Preferences tab within the Desktop Client.
- Operator ID: The Operator ID of the user generating the Events Map.
- Live for last: Number of previous hours to include in the report. Every time the report refreshes, the most recent Live for last hours are used to re-generate the Events Map. This parameter is mutually exclusive with Time Range below.
- Time Range: Time range to include in the report. This parameter is mutually exclusive with Live for last above.
- Target Longitude: The target longitude of the map to use for the Events Map. This value is used to select which uploaded map should be used as the basis for the Events Map.
- Target Latitude: The target latitude of the map to use for the Events Map. This value is used to select which uploaded map should be used as the basis for the Events Map.
- Radius: Specifies the size of the map that should be selected.
- Colors: Specifies which color scheme will be used for the report. There are two options: Dark Theme and Light Theme.
Below is a sample Events Map.