Processing Video Files

Both the Video Feeds Window (located in the Desktop Client and the Web Console) and the Command Line Interface can be used to process video files for person detection and/or recognition. This can be useful to recognize faces for purposes of identifying people or generating events on pre-recorded videos. For example, consider the scenario where you have video footage from cameras throughout a facility and you want to determine where and when a person of interest appears in those videos. To do this, you would register the people of interest to the Person Directory (if they weren't already registered) and you could then process the videos in Enrolled Monitoring video processing mode in order to identify when and where that individual appears.

The Video Feeds Window is the best video file processing option when you only have 1 video to process. When you want to process 2 or more video files, the Command Line Interface is the better choice.

The following videos demonstrate how to process videos.

Note When you switch control from the Video Feeds Window to the Command Line Interface, any feeds that you configured in the Video Feeds Window will be stopped and will not be visible from the Command Line Interface. The feeds still exist in the Video Feeds Window, but you cannot start or manage those feeds from the Command Line Interface. You must re-create new feeds for the Command Line Interface.

Process Files with the Video Feeds Window

To process video files, the Video Feeds Window must have access to those files on the local file system. The window can work with files on an internal hard drive, an external drive attached to the machine, or a network share mounted to the file system. In this example we will use the following directories.

mkdir -p /files/videos
mkdir -p /files/feeds

Mount Host Filesystem to VIRGO Container

In order to process files that are on a Linux machine, you must mount a file system on the host drive to the Docker container running Video Recognition Gateway (VIRGO).

You can mount a host drive onto the Docker instance by doing the following:

  1. Add the following lines to the end of the file "/opt/RealNetworks/SAFR/virgo/app/docker-compose.yml"

    vi /opt/RealNetworks/SAFR/virgo/app/docker-compose.yml
    - /files:/files

    The hyphen should be included.
    The resulting file should look something like this. (DON'T USE THE EXAMPLE BELOW - Your system will have different version info.)

    version: "3.6"
        image: safr_virgo:1.2.22
        container_name: safr_virgo
        restart: on-failure
        pid: "host"
          - /opt/RealNetworks/SAFR/virgo/config/:/etc/virgo
          - /files:/files
    • The mount format is <path on host>:<path on VIRGO Docker container>
      • This is equivalent to creating an alias on the Docker container pointing to a actual directory on the host.
    • <path on VIRGO Docker container> can be any path. It should not exist already.
    • <path on host> should be a real directory. It can be located anywhere on the host drive.
    • Using the same path for both makes it less confusing when typing filepaths because there will be no need to remember the Docker path and to append the relative host path. Just use the fully qualified host path when defining the location of a video in the VIRGO config.
  2. Run the following commands to re-mount all paths on the Docker container:

    docker-compose -f /opt/RealNetworks/SAFR/virgo/app/docker-compose.yml down
    docker-compose -f /opt/RealNetworks/SAFR/virgo/app/docker-compose.yml up -d
  3. Check to see if the folder is mounted correctly in the Docker container by doing the following:

    1. Run the following command to sign into the Docker container:

      docker exec -it safr_virgo bash
    2. Try to list the directory of the location mounted above:

      ls /files

      You should see the two folders (feeds and videos) that you created listed under this location.

Use the Video Feeds Window

To use the Video Feeds Window, do the following:

  1. Connect to the Web Console or open the Desktop Client. See here for details about the Web Console and how to connect to it.
  2. Navigate to the Video Feeds tab and select Processor Status. Assuming you have no other video clients connected to the server (i.e. from additional connected VIRGO feeds or Desktop Clients), you will see a single entry representing VIRGO with no feeds.
  3. Click Config to add feeds.
  4. Enter values for the following fields:
    • name - User-defined name. We recommended that you only use ASCII letters and numbers (i.e. no spaces) since this is used to reference the feed on the command line.
    • mode - Defines the default settings for SAFR detection and recognition.
    • - Source camera URL or filename of the video to use as input. In this case we pre-pend the value with "file://" to indicate that we're processing a file. The path portion is the path to the video file relative to the Docker container, as explained above.
    • In the screenshot below, the enabled field still has its default value of "false". You should set it to "true" when you are ready to start processing the file.
  5. Before clicking Apply, add an additional field to specify the start time of the video. Do this by doing the following:
    1. Click Add Attributes under the feed.
    2. Search for and select the "" property.
  6. Once added set a date value as Epoch in milliseconds. For example, for Aug 1, 2019 at 11 AM, the Epoch value is 1564682400000.
    • This causes generated events to be recorded at the correct point in time rather than being recorded at the default Epoch value of "0" or January 1, 1970.
    • Try the Chrome Extension ‘utime' to create Epoch times. This extension allows you to type any date/time and get Epoch values as well as natural language strings such as ‘1 hour ago'.
      Note: Be sure to set the time format to "milliseconds" or else the time will be off by many years.
  7. Change the enabled field to "true" and click Apply to save the feed and start processing the video.
  8. If all goes well you should see the following:
  9. For a few moments you may see the Last Config date in red which means that changes have not yet been applied to VIRGO. Once the changes have been applied, VIRGO should start processing and you should see the Status reported as "ok". You can click View to see the current frame of video being processed. This will be updated every second or so.
  10. See Troubleshoot Feeds below if the video does not start processing successfully.
  11. You can move to the Events tab to view the events being processed. You may need to change the search criteria to include August 1, 2019 for the events to show up.

Troubleshoot Feeds

If there is a problem, first check the More button on the VIRGO feed as shown below:

Additional possible troubleshooting steps:

If the steps above do not fix the problem, then it may help to look at the service monitor or service log. Both must be started before running VIRGO in order to capture the error output.

View the VIRGO Service Monitor

To view the service monitor, log into SAFR Server and run the following command:

sudo docker exec -it safr_virgo /opt/RealNetworks/virgo/virgo service monitor


docker exec -it safr_virgo bash
./virgo service monitor

You should see the following:

View the VIRGO Service Log

To view the service log, run the following command:

sudo docker exec -it safr_virgo /opt/RealNetworks/virgo/virgo service log d/feed d/http-cop


docker exec -it safr_virgo bash
virgo service log d/feed d/http-cop

With the above running, restart the feed. In the Video Feeds Window you may need to do the following to successfully restart the feed:

  1. Set the feed enabled flag to "false".
  2. Save.
  3. Change the enabled flag back to "true".

Additional Notes:

Process Files with the Command Line Interface

Create a Feed Template

To run VIRGO, you need a feed configuration file. You can use the configuration file we created above in VIRGA as a starting point. This will include most of the common configuration properties needed.

  1. Export a feed configuration file from VIRGO to use as a template.

  2. Get a list of VIRGO feeds.

    > sudo docker exec -it safr_virgo ./virgo feed list
    • EnrolledAndStrangerMonitoring should be the only feed listed.
  3. Save that configuration to a file called template.json.

    > sudo docker exec -it safr_virgo ./virgo feed get EnrolledAndStrangerMonitoring 
    • The folder /files/feeds here is relative to the VIRGO Docker container. This path is mounted to the same path (/files/feeds) on the host filesystem.
  4. Ensure that the file was written.

    > cd /files/feeds
    > ls
  5. Edit the file ‘template.json' if desired. Generally it's easier to perform editing in the Video Feeds Window before exporting.

    • The Video Feeds Window unnecessarily adds extra escapes to forward slashes in the JSON. This makes the string much harder to read. When using the Video Feeds Window to generate configuration files, the file path string can be simplified as follows:
      • Change this: file:\/\/\/opt\/RealNetworks\/virgo\/files\/videos\/cam4Aug1_output000.mp4
      • To this: file:///opt/RealNetworks/virgo/files/videos/cam4Aug1_output000.mp4
  6. Create a copy of the template file and name it ‘queue1.json'. You're making a copy because you'll maintain one file for each feed.

    > cd /files/feeds
    > cp template.json queue1.json
  7. Update the feed file by setting values for site, source, start time, and filename. Use the utility script documented below for this purpose.

    > queue1.json Site01 Camera10 1564682400000 'file:///files/videos/test/vid00.mp4'
    • See the script's documentation below for a description of its command line arguments.
    • The file path assumes you have mounted the VIRGO Docker container to /files in the host drive as explained above.

This will set the values for the respective fields in queue1.json. View the file in an editor to confirm edits were made.

Create Feed

You can assign the feed configuration file created in the previous section to a feed. Before doing that, you need to first switch control from the Video Feeds Window to the Command Line Interface. As explained above, the Video Feeds Window and the Command Line Interface do not share the same configuration files. That is why you first exported a configuration file above from the Video Feeds Window. Now that you have a configuration file, you're ready to switch control to the Command Line Interface. The Command Line Interface will start out with no feeds defined. You will then create feeds from the configuration file saved above.

  1. Switch control from the Video Feeds Window to the Command Line Interface

    > sudo docker exec -it safr_virgo ./virgo administrator set virgo

    Note: This changes control of VIRGO from the Video Feeds Window to the Command Line Interface. The Video Feeds Window will no longer be able to start or stop VIRGO feeds until control is restored back to it. Note that all feeds added to the Video Feeds Window are not available to the Command Line Interface. You will re-create feeds as described below.

  2. Create a new feed ‘queue1' from the queue1.json feed configuration file created above.

    > sudo docker exec -it safr_virgo ./virgo feed add queue1 /files/feeds/queue1.json
  3. Confirm that the feed was added to VIRGO.

    > sudo docker exec -it safr_virgo ./virgo feed list
  4. VIRGO will attempt to start processing the feed right away. Run VIRGO Service Status or VIRGO Service Monitor/

    > sudo docker exec -it safr_virgo ./virgo service status
    queue1 ok

See the Service Monitor section above for information on how to run VIRGO Service Monitor. Initially you may see a status reported as "prerolling" which means the feed is starting up.

After processing is done, the status should change from "ok" to "eos" (meaning End of Stream). If any other status is shown, see Troubleshoot Feeds above.

Edit Feed and Reload

To edit a feed and re-load, do the following.

  1. Stop the feed with following command:

    docker exec -it safr_virgo ./virgo feed stop queue1
  2. Edit the file and correct problems. Re-load the file from disk using following command:

    docker exec -it safr_virgo ./virgo feed set queue1 /files/feeds/queue1.json
  3. Restart the feed with following command:

    docker exec -it safr_virgo ./virgo feed start queue1

Batch Processing Files with the Command Line

When batch processing multiple files, it's most efficient to process two or more files in parallel. The optimal number of parallel processes is a function of processor speed and disk/network speeds and should be determined by experimentation on your hardware. VIRGO will try to process files as fast as possible and leverage multiple CPU cores and GPUs but there is generally a limit to how many CPU cores it uses. Processing more files in parallel will allow you to fully utilize the machine resources.

In general the process is as follows:

Create Feed Queues

In order to create a feed queue, create an additional feed called queue2.

> cp template.json queue2.json
> queue2.json Site06 Camera04 'file:///files/videos/test/vid01.mp4'
> sudo docker exec -it safr_virgo ./virgo feed add queue2 /files/feeds/queue2.json

You'll maintain different queue files (queue1.json and queue2.json) in order to allow queue1 and queue2 to be processed independently. Each queue file serves as a record of what is running on the current queue. If an error occurs on one of the queues, you can use the script to identify the file that was not processed for the queue and write it to an error log file.

The 2nd feed should start automatically. If you check the VIRGO Service Monitor, you should see something like the following:

Status      Feed          Epoch     P-Time        Resolution  FPS  DPS  dDt     dRt     #D
eos         queue1        04:45:50  00:00:04.343  1920x1080   -    -    -       -       816
ok          queue2        06:28:36  00:00:04.413  1920x1080   -    -    -       -       819

Create Feed File List

The feed file list is a CSV file with following columns:

Below is an example of the contents of the feed file list file:

vid001.mp4,Site05,Camera025,8/20/19 7:12 AM,1566285120000
vid002.mp4,Site03,Camera024,8/20/19 7:12 AM,1566285120000
xvid003.mp4,Site01,Camera003,8/20/19 4:48 AM,1566276480000
vid004.mp4,Site01,Camera030,8/20/19 12:00 PM,1566302400000
vid005.mp4,Site04,Camera016,8/20/19 12:00 PM,1566302400000
vid006.mp4,Site04,Camera002,8/20/19 7:12 AM,1566285120000
vid007.mp4,Site03,Camera016,8/20/19 12:00 PM,1566302400000
xvid008.mp4,Site02,Camera020,8/20/19 12:00 PM,1566302400000
vid009.mp4,Site05,Camera011,8/20/19 9:36 AM,1566293760000
vid010.mp4,Site02,Camera030,8/20/19 7:12 AM,1566285120000
vid011.mp4,Site05,Camera021,8/20/19 9:36 AM,1566293760000
vid012.mp4,Site04,Camera009,8/20/19 9:36 AM,1566293760000
vid013.mp4,Site01,Camera001,8/20/19 12:00 PM,1566302400000
vid014.mp4,Site02,Camera017,8/20/19 9:36 AM,1566293760000
vid015.mp4,Site04,Camera014,8/20/19 12:00 PM,1566302400000
vid016.mp4,Site02,Camera010,8/20/19 7:12 AM,1566285120000
vid017.mp4,Site04,Camera030,8/20/19 7:12 AM,1566285120000
vid018.mp4,Site02,Camera022,8/20/19 9:36 AM,1566293760000
vid019.mp4,Site05,Camera006,8/20/19 4:48 AM,1566276480000
vid020.mp4,Site02,Camera012,8/20/19 9:36 AM,1566293760000
vid021.mp4,Site02,Camera005,8/20/19 7:12 AM,1566285120000
xvid022.mp4,Site01,Camera019,8/20/19 4:48 AM,1566276480000
xvid023.mp4,Site02,Camera016,8/20/19 7:12 AM,1566285120000
vid024.mp4,Site04,Camera027,8/20/19 7:12 AM,1566285120000

Edit the Process Files Script

Edit the configurable parameters in the script. Below are the default values in the script.

# User Directory
# Set this to the location of the feed configuraiton files.
# If different than above, Set to the path to feeds from inside docker container
# Set this to location of the video files


This section includes reference files and example scripts useful in processing video files with the Command Line Interface.

VIRGO Command Line Help

Command line interface to the virgo daemon
'virgo' followed by one of the following:
administrator set <administrator>         sets the administrator. Either 'virgo' or 'virga'
administrator get                         shows the current administrator
environment get                           shows the current environment
environment set <environment>             sets the current environment
environment list                          shows all supported environments
feed list                                 shows all known feeds
feed get <feed> [path]                    shows the feed configuration and optionally saves it as a feed configuration file
feed status <feed>                        shows the current feed status
feed start <feed>                         marks the feed as enabled and starts it running
feed stop <feed>                          stops the feed and marks it as disabled
feed remove <feed>                        stops the feed and removes it
feed add <feed> <path to config>          reads the feed configuration file and adds the new feed to the known feeds
feed set <feed> <path to config>          reads the feed configuration file and updates the feed with the new configuration
feed capture-image <feed> <url or path>   captures one or more images from the feed and stores them in the directory <url>
service info                              shows the service information
service status                            shows the current status of all feeds
service reset                             resets the persistent virgo state back to the factory defaults
service log                               continuously shows the current service log information
service monitor                           continuously shows the current service status and statistical information
service update <version> [<url or path>]  upgrades or downgrades virgo to the specified version
service versions                          shows all installed versions
user get                                  shows the current user cloud identity
user set [user id]                        sets the current user cloud identity
<environment> is an environment name.
<feed> is a feed name.
<version> is a semantic version number (e.g. 1.0.3).
--help | -h     shows this help message.
--verbose | -v  enables the display of more detailed information.
--max-frames    the maximum number of frames to capture from a feed
--frame-delay   the delay between capturing frames. This is in milliseconds
--size          the size to which a captured image should be scaled

Process Video Files Script

This is the primary commands that loops through all files and adds them to VIRGO queues for processing.

script_dir=$(dirname "$0")
# Set this to the location of the feed configuraiton files.
# If different than above, Set to the path to feeds from inside docker container
# Set this to location of the video files
# User Directory
# Make sure we got correct number of args.
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <job list file>
    Where <job list file> csv file with video_file,site,source";exit;
# Check if video file list exists
[ ! -f $1 ] && { echo "$1 video list file not found"; exit 99; };
### Loop thru each line in input file
cat $1 | tr -d '\r' | while read fname site source date epoch; do
  echo "Placing file $fname for site: $site, source: $source and time: $epoch"
  [ ! -f "$video_files_dir/$fname" ] && {
     echo "$video_files_dir/$fname not found. Skipping" | tee -a error.log; continue;
  ### Loop Feeds - Outer loop
  ##  Get list of queues and pass this into inner loop
  ### Break once inner loop exits with successful assignment
  assigned=false; echo "processing file $fname"
  while true; do
    ### Loop Feeds - Inner loop
    ### Loop thru each queue - check to see if any are ready for next job ###
    while read feed_line; do
    TEMP=$IFS; IFS=': ' read queue_id queue_status <<< $feed_line; IFS=$TEMP
      if [ "$queue_status" == "failed" ]; then
        # Something went wrong.  Log file being processed by this queue to look at later
        echo $($script_dir/ $queue_id.json) >> error.log
      if [ "$queue_status" == "ok" ] || [ "$queue_status" == "prerolling" ]; then
        # Skip and go to next feed
        echo "Skipping queue $queue_id with status $queue_status"
      elif [ "$queue_status" == "eos" ] || [ "$queue_status" == "inactive" ]; then
        $script_dir/ $feeds_dir/$queue_id.json $site $source $epoch "file://$video_files_dir/$fname"
        $script_dir/ $feeds_dir/$queue_id.json directory  $user_dir
        echo "Set file $fname on queue $queue_id" | tee -a processed.log;
        docker exec safr_virgo ./virgo feed set $queue_id $feeds_dir/$queue_id.json
        if [ "$queue_status" == "inactive" ]; then
          docker exec safr_virgo ./virgo feed start $queue_id
        # Skip all other feeds and go to next file
        assigned=true; break 1;
        #  Unexpected processing status. Report in error log
        echo "Unexpected virgo feed status $queue_status"  >> error.log
    sleep 1
    done <<< "$(docker exec safr_virgo ./virgo service status)"
   if $assigned; then echo "Assigned $fname to $queue_id"; break 1; fi

Utility Scripts

The following scripts are used by the script.

if [ "$#" -lt 4 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <feed filename> <sitename> <sourcename> <starttime> '<file_path>'";exit;
sed -i -e "s|\"site\" *: *\"[^\"]*\"|\"site\" : \"$2\"|g" $1
sed -i -e "s|\"source\" *: *\"[^\"]*\"|\"source\" : \"$3\"|g" $1
sed -i -e "s|\"\" *: *\"[^\"]*\"|\"\" : \"$4\"|g" $1
sed -i -e "s|\"\" *: *\"[^\"]*\"|\"\" : \"$5\"|g" $1


if [ "$#" -lt 3 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <feed filename> <attr name> <attr value>";exit;
sed -i -e "s|\"$2\" *: *\"[^\"]*\"|\"$2\" : \"$3\"|g" $1


if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <feed filename>"
grep $1 | sed -e 's:"" *\: *"\([^"]*\)",*:\1:g'


See Also