Service Logging

The Video Recognition Gateway (VIRGO) command line tool has a simple logger built in. You enable logging by executing the following command in a shell:

> virgo service log <log specification>

where the log specification is a space-separated list of log predicates. A log predicate looks like this:


The first variant sets the log level for the package tag to level on a global basis. Consequently this log predicate applies to the VIRGO daemon and all feeds it spawns. The second variant allows you to apply the log predicate to a single feed with the name feedName. If you specify both a global- and a feed-specific log level for a tag then the level with higher priority is applied.

Note: The VIRGO daemon does not keep a log history. Log information is only generated and retained while you are actively running a virgo service log command.


Enable DEBUG-level logging for the ‘tracking' package in all feeds:

> virgo service log D/tracking

Enable DEBUG-level logging for the ‘capture' and the ‘cop-http' packages in all feeds:

> virgo service log D/capture D/cop-http

Enable DEBUG-level logging for the ‘tracking' package in the feed ‘foo': (This does not change the current log configuration for any other feed.)

> virgo service log D/tracking[foo]

The following log levels are supported:

Level Description
V Verbose
D Debug
I Info
W Warn
E Error
O Off

The order in terms of verbosity, from least to most verbose is OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, and VERBOSE.

The following log packages are supported:

Package Supports feed name? Description
detection yes Object detector related messages
recognition yes Face recognizer related messages
tracking yes Object tracker messages
capture yes Image capture related messages
events yes Event reporting related messages
pose-liveness yes Pose Liveness Action Recognizer related messages
feed yes Feed life cycle related messages
cop-http no COP over HTTP related messages
config no Virgod configuration management related messages
updates no Virgod update initiation mechanism related messages

See Also