VIRGO in the Video Feeds Window

One of the primary ways to manage Video Recognition Gateway (VIRGO) feeds is via the Video Feeds window of the Desktop Client or the Web Console. The sections below describe how to do so.

Create a VIRGO Feed

Newly created VIRGO feeds have the following properties:

Camera Feed Analyzer Method

Windows only.

The easiest way to create a VIRGO feed is to do the following:

  1. Open the Desktop Client.
  2. Connect a camera to the client in the Camera Feed Analyzer window. (i.e. the default window)
  3. Press the Add to Video Feeds for continuous processing in the background button as shown below highlighted by the red arrow.
  4. You'll be prompted for the following information:
    • Feed Name: Enter any name for the video feed you wish.
    • Mode: Select the operator mode from the drop-down menu that you want the VIRGO daemon to operate in. For a description of the operator modes, see here.
    • Processor: The machine where you want the VIRGO feed to run. The current machine is selected by default.
    • Apply Mode Customizations from Preferences: Enable if you want the Desktop Client preferences applied to the new VIRGO feed.

Manual Method

The manual way to create a VIRGO feed is as follows:

  1. Connect a camera to SAFR.
  2. Open the Video Feeds window and click the Configure button for your current machine.
  3. Hover your mouse over Feeds, then click the + button.
  4. You'll be prompted for the following information:
    • Feed Name: Enter any name for the video feed you wish.
    • Camera: Select the camera feed you connected in Step #2 from the drop-down menu.
    • Format: Select the resolution and frame rate for the new video feed.
    • Mode: Select the operator mode from the drop-down menu that you want the VIRGO feed to operate in. For a description of the operator modes, see here.
    • Apply Mode Customizations from Preferences: Enable if you want the Desktop Client preferences applied to the new VIRGO feed.
  5. Click the Add button.
  6. Click Apply in the bottom right corner of the Video Feeds window.
    Note: If you close the Video Feeds window without first clicking Apply, the video feed won't be created.

Manage VIRGO Feeds

To manage VIRGO feeds, open the Video Feeds Window within either the Desktop Client or the Web Console, then click the Configure button for your current machine. You'll see a screen similar to the following: (Note: You can often expose additional properties by clicking on the arrow next to entries, as shown by the arrow next to the SomeFeed entry below.)

Terminate a VIRGO Feed

VIRGO feeds that haven't been terminated will continuously run in the background, and will automatically restart themselves after system shutdowns and reboots. Because each video feed consumes a significant amount of CPU resources, you'll want to terminate video feeds that are no longer of interest to you. Do the following to terminate a video feed:

  1. Open the Video Feeds Window within either the Desktop Client or the Web Console.
  2. Click the Configure button.
  3. When you hover your mouse over name of the feed that you want to terminate, you'll see a + button and a - button. Click the - button.
  4. Click the Apply button in the bottom right of the window. At this point, the feed will be terminated. Note: If you click the Cancel button, the feed termination is undone and the feed will continue operating.

See Also