iOS User Interface Preferences
Use the User Interface Preferences tab to customize your user interface.
- Enable Modes: Specifies which Operating Modes can be used.
- Enable Registration: Select to enable unknown users to register their faces.
- Min Age: The minimum age for unknown users to register their own faces.
- Person Type: The default Person Type to assign to users who enroll in the Person Directory using this Mobile Client.
- Home Location: A string specifying the location of this Mobile Client.
- Prompt: A text string that appears on the screen when a user taps the screen.
- Expiration: Specifies when registrations will expire.
- Form: A customizable form that users will be prompted to fill out when they use the mobile device to register.
- Disable Reregistration: When enabled, users aren't able to register themselves into SAFR if they're already registered. This means that users are unable to change their information within SAFR. (e.g. their Person Type, how their name is spelled, their email address, etc.) When this setting is disabled, users can revise any of their information by reregistering themselves and then re-entering their information, which will overwrite their previously saved information.
- Grace period (seconds): When Disable Reregistration is enabled, the Grace period setting specifies a number of seconds after registration where users are still able to revise their information. For example, a user could use this time to correct the spelling of their name.
- Show Video: When enabled, the mobile device shows live video from its camera on its screen. When disabled, the video is turned off and the screen is black.
- Show Tracking Frames: Enables colored indicator frames overlaid around detected faces and objects. See the color codes section here for a description of what each color indicates.
- Show Landmarks: Displays the five face landmarks (eyes, nose tip, and the corners of the mouth) on faces viewed by the mobile device's camera. See Interpret Video Feed Overlays for more information about face landmarks.
- Show Depth Profile: Internal use only.
- Show Attributes: When enabled, people's attributes are displayed above their faces on the mobile devioe's screen.
- Show Names: When enabled, people's names are displayed as part of their displayed attributes.
- Flash Names: When enabled, people's names will flash on the screen when the person is first detected.
- Average Age & Gender: During its normal operation, SAFR estimates the age and gender of people in every frame of a video stream independently. Thus, a person's displayed age can fluctuate by 10 years frame to frame. When the Average Age & Gender setting is enabled, ages and gender for detected persons are averaged over time, which creates a much smoother and more accurate experience. This setting has no effect on recognized people whose age or gender are specified within the Person Directory; SAFR will always display the stored values.
- Enable Mirroring: When enabled, the video image is mirrored before detection and recognition operations are executed.
- Idle seconds to turn off recognition: As long as your mobile device is performing recognition attempts, the Mobile Client won't put your device to sleep. When the device stops performing recogntion attempts and becomes idle, the Mobile Client waits the number of seconds specified by this setting before putting the mobile device to sleep. Anybody can wake the device up by tapping on its screen.
- Disable Auto-Lock: When enabled, your iOS device's auto-lock feature will be disabled. This setting is disabled by default to help with your device's battery life. However, you should always enable this setting before using your mobile device in a production environment, since your device wouldn't be of much use as a registration kiosk or face recognition panel if it's in locked mode.
- Highlight Border Thickness: Use the slider to set the thickness (in pixels) of the frame displayed around faces.
- Overlay Text Size: Specifies the size of the text in the video feed overlay.
- Sentiment Thresholds: Specifies what range of sentiment values are classified as unhappy, neutral, and happy.
- Name display message (e.g. #N = Full name, #F = First name, #U = Last name): Use this option to display a custom message to registered and recognized entrants.
Use #N as a placeholder for the name of any recognized person. For example, "Welcome, #N" would display "Welcome, <recognized person's name>." The message is only displayed to registered persons.
- Speak name display message: When enabled, the Name display message will be spoken aloud.
- Name Flash Time: Specifies the number of seconds a person's name should remain on the screen when the person is first detected by the mobile device.
- Minimum Name Refresh Time: Specifies the amount of time that must pass before people's names are flashed on-screen again.
- Similar Overlay Zoom: Sets the size of the comparison faces.
- Similar maximum faces to select: Sets the maximum number of faces to compare to the target face.