Install and Connect the iOS Mobile Client
To install the iOS Mobile Client, go to the SAFR Download Portal on your iOS device, download the iOS Mobile Client installer, and then run the installer.
You can also download the client from the Apple App Store by doing the following:
- Go to the Apple App Store and search for SAFR Recognition.
- Using your browser, navigate to
When using a cloud license, connect your Mobile Client to the SAFR Cloud by doing the following:
- Make sure your mobile device is connected to the internet.
- Start the Mobile Client.
- Sign in using your credentials.
- Show your face to your mobile device's camera. If a purple or green oval appears around your face, then the Mobile Client successfully connected to the SAFR Cloud. A grey oval usually indicates that there is a connection issue of some sort.
When using an on-premises license, connect your Mobile Client to your local SAFR Server by doing the following:
- Make sure your local SAFR Server is accessible from the mobile device's network (e.g. Wifi or Cellular).
- Start the Mobile Client. By default, the client will connect to SAFR Cloud.
- Change what your Mobile Client connects to by clicking the gear icon in the lower right corner of the sign-in screen. This will take you to the Advanced Configuration screen.
- Tap on the Environment field's drop-down menu, and select SAFR Custom. You'll then be taken to a screen where you can enter the endpoints for your SAFR Server's 4 main services.
- Update the 4 endpoints as follows, replacing <localhost> with your SAFR Server's IP address:
- CoVi Server:
- Event Server:
- Object Server:
- VIRGA Server:
- Tap Back, then tap Done to accept your environment changes.
- Sign in using your credentials.
- Show your face to your mobile device's camera. If a purple or green oval appears around your face, then the Mobile Client successfully connected to your local SAFR Server. A grey oval usually indicates that there is a connection issue of some sort.