Customize Your iOS Registration Kiosk

Each registration kiosk can be customized to prompt for additional required or optional information from the registrant. You can also customize:

Customize the Registration Prompt

To customize the registration prompt, do the following:

  1. In the Mobile Client, tap the hamburger icon in the upper left corner > App Settings > User Interface tab.
  2. Enter a new text next to Prompt.

Assign Default Person Type or Home Location Values

It may be desirable to assign a default Person Type or Home Location value to all registrants who complete registration at a particular registration kiosk. For example, if a registration kiosk is located in the admissions office, anyone registered there could be assigned the Person Type of Student or perhaps Employee. Anyone registered at the registration kiosk placed at a specific location could be given a default Home location corresponding to the town in which the registration kiosk is located. This can save administrative time. Both Person Type and Home Location can be changed by the administrator after the registration when needed.

To configure the default Person Type or Home Location:

  1. In the Mobile Client, tap the hamburger icon > App Settings > User Interface tab.
  2. Enter a value for Person Type if desired. By default, Person Type is not assigned.
  3. Enter a different value for Home Location. By default, Home Location is set the same as the Site label specified in the Account settings.

The Home Location field associated with every person registered can be used for various purposes. For example, in a school settings, it could be used by the administrator to enter the building name in which a student's home classroom is located. Home Location and Person Type fields offer filtering based on labels used for these fields and can become important organizational tools. They are named generically to allow labels to be created on the fly by simply entering them. You should decide how to use these labels and then use them consistently to get the most value from them.

Note: As a best practice, neither of these fields should have more than two dozen labels for ease of use.

Restricting Registration to a Minimum Age

It may be desirable to prevent registration of people below a certain age. The Mobile Client can be configured to asses a person's age and not offer registration to people below a specified minimum age.

To configure the minimum registration age:

  1. In the Mobile Client, tap the hamburger icon > App Settings > User Interface tab.

  2. Enter the desired value for Min Age.

  3. (Optional) Change Show Attributes to Off.

    Tip: Switching Show Attributes to Off prevents displaying the assessed age to the registrant. Because some people may be sensitive to this feedback, it is recommended that age not be shown.

  4. On the Recognition tab, change Detect Age to On. With age detection set to On, the restriction is now active.

Customize the Registration Form

To customize the message your kiosk displays to registrants, do the following:

  1. In the Mobile Client, tap the hamburger icon > App Settings > User Interface tab > Customize button next to the Form field.
  2. For any fields you want to add to your form, change the Hidden indicator to either Required or Optional. Any field that is marked as Required needs to be filled out by the registrant before registration is allowed to be complete.
    • The Name, Company, Mobile, and Email fields have fixed meanings. While you can customize prompt names for these fields, information entered for these fields is registered under the prescribed meaning. If you do not want to have this information gathered during registration, keep these fields hidden. Do not re-label them to a different meaning.

      Note: Name cannot be hidden and must be entered by the registrant.

    • If you need to gather information in addition to these prescribed fields, use the generic fields labeled by default as Field. These form entries have no prescribed meaning. Any information provided through these fields appears as tags in the registered person's record. If you want to give the entered information a tag name, complete the Tag field for each entry. If Tag is completed, information the registrant fills out for this field is prefixed with "Tag=" when appearing in person's record (e.g. Car Make=Ford). If the tag is not filled out, the information provided by the registrant appears on its own in the list of tags associated with the registered person.

  3. Enter the names for the fields and add any information placeholder text. (e.g."Type Your Name Here")
  4. Change the labels for the actions buttons if desired.
  5. Enter the completion message displayed once the registration process is successfully completed.

See Also