Create an iOS Registration Kiosk

A SAFR registration kiosk is a mobile device running a Mobile Client that has been placed in Registration Kiosk operator mode. It's intended to be used to take pictures of users and enable them to register their faces and identity information with the SAFR system.

Configure the Mobile Client as a Registration Kiosk

To configure the Mobile Client as a registration kiosk, do the following:

  1. Install and connect the iOS Mobile Client.
  2. Start the Mobile Client.
  3. Tap the operator mode selector at the top center of the screen, and select Registration Kiosk.
  4. Open the settings menu by tapping the hamburger icon in the upper left corner of the screen, selecting App Settings, then pressing the Configure button next to the Advanced Configuration field.
  5. Enter appropriate values for the User Site and User Source fields.
    • The User Site identifies the site (e.g. My-Office) at which you are deploying the SAFR System.
    • The User Source identifies the registration kiosk (e.g. Registration-Kiosk) as the source of registrations.
      Note: Site and Source labels are associated with every registration as well as with every other event and are crucial in making the source of registrations as well as other events traceable.
  6. (Optional) Configure an iOS Device into Single App Mode to lock in the Mobile Client as the exclusive application for the device.
    Note: Locking your mobile device locks the device to the Mobile Client and prevents any disruption in the registration kiosk operation due to operating system updates or unauthorized user interference. It isn't necessary to lock your mobile device if you merely want to try out the Mobile Client as a registration kiosk. However, you should lock the device before deploying the registration kiosk in a production environment.

Register and Organize SAFR Users in your System

Although users can self-register their faces at a registration kiosk, they are not automatically registered and approved in the system or granted access privileges. SAFR administrators can classify and control access to resources by using the Person Directory to assign various categories and tags to registrants. For more information on searching, viewing, and organizing registrants, see Manage People in the Person Directory.

For example, you can require every registrant to be assigned a Person Type property and base access to certain resources on that property. Think of Person Type as a category for your users, such as Staff, Maintenance, Administrator, or anything else you might like to define. The Home Location and Person Type properties associated with registrants can be adapted to different needs for different organizational purposes. You can also use the Home Location and Person Type properties to filter information. For example, in a school setting you might use Home Location to denote the grade of a student, and Person Type might be defined as student.

Click Add Home Location or Add Person Type to add new options or choose one of the existing options.

See Also