Utility Objects

This section describes utility objects used with many of the other SDK functions.

Recognizing Faces

You should set the cloud environment and cloud account information in the object tracker's recognizer object to enable face recognition. You also need to set the directory in the account object. The easiest path towards a working object tracker configuration object is to use the ObjectTrackerConfiguration.ConfigurationForPreset() function with the ConfigurationPreset.Recognition argument. Invoke this function to get a pre-filled configuration suitable for face recognition and then set the cloud environment and cloud account information before you pass the configuration object to the object tracker.

The object tracker will then return tracked object instances with a detected object type equal to Face.

Detecting Persons

After you get a basic object configuration object set up as described in the Recognizing Faces section above, you can enable the detection of persons by setting the EnableRecognizedObjectDetector property in the object tracker's detector configuration object to true. This will cause the object tracker to return tracked objects with a detected object type equal to RecognizedObject.


The CloudAccount object stores the account name and password for the cloud account used for cloud based functionality, such as face recognition.


The CloudEnvironment object encapsulates the cloud service the ArgusKit should connect to in order to execute cloud-based functions, such as face recognition.

See Also