Use the Windows SDK

Use the objects provided by the SAFR SDK by importing the RealNetworks.ArgusKit assembly into your C# source file. The following code example shows how to do that and the basic steps for setting up an object tracker:

using RealNetworks.ArgusKit;
using System.Windows;
namespace Sample
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        // The object tracker
        private ObjectTracker ObjectTracker = null;
        public MainWindow()
            // Select the cloud environment
            var cloud = CloudEnvironment.Prod;
            // Define the cloud account
            var account = new CloudAccount("user", "pwd");
            // Create the object tracker configuration
            var config = new ObjectTrackerConfiguration();
            config.Recognizer.Cloud = cloud;
            config.Recognizer.Account = account;
            // Create the object tracker
            ObjectTracker = new ObjectTracker(config);
            ObjectTracker.DidTrack += OnDidTrack;
        // We assume that this function is invoked from a video player or a camera 
        // that outputs a BitmapSource for every video frame. We wrap the video 
        // frame up and pass it to the object tracker.
        private void OnNewVideoFrameAvailable(RealNetworks.CameraKit.VideoFrame frame)
        // Invoked by the object tracker every time the tracking state has changed
        private void OnDidTrack(object sender, ObjectTrackerDidTrackEventArgs e)
            TrackingResult result = e.Result;
            // Process the tracking result

Note: The only supported solution platform is "x64". Other configurations, including "Any CPU" and "x86", are not supported.

See Also