Face Blur App

This is a console application used for blurring faces in images from a specified source folder. The app finds faces in images if they exist and blurs them, saving the resulting images to a specified destination folder.

Below are all the arguments you can use with the app. If an argument isn't passed to the app, then that argument's default value is used.

Argument Description
-src [path] [Required] Source directory. For example, C:\Users\user\Pictures\maroon.jpg
-dst [path] [Required] Destination directory. For example, C:\Users\user\Pictures\maroonblur.jpg
-blur [integer] Blur factor in number of pixels. Default is 10
-shape [string] Options are "oval" and "rect". Default is "oval"
-scaleImageToYPixels [integer] Input image-maximum resolution. Bigger images are scaled down to this resolution; the default is 720.
-minSearchedFacePixels [integer] Minimal size of searched face. Default is 80.
-minRequiredFacePixels [integer] Minimal required size of detected face. Default is 0.
-v Version number, formatted as follows: Product version: <version number>. For example, Product version:

For example, this command produced the image below:

blurfaces -src C:\Users\user\Pictures\maroon.jpg -dst C:\Users\user\Pictures\maroonblur.jpg -blur 5

Note: For choosing "oval" blur shape pixel size is scaled. Detected face height is divided by specified blur parameter so desired face area is masked with a grid of pixels of corresponding size being colored as center pixel in that area.

Technical Notes

To compile the code and run the app, do the following:

  1. Download SAFR Windows SDK from the Download Portal.
  2. Install the SAFR SDK NuGet package. In the package manager console:
    1. Run Install-Package C:\ArgusSDK\nu-package\RealNetworks.Argus.SDK.<SDK Version Number>.nupkg
    2. Set the Solution Platforms selector option to x64. The Any CPU option is not supported.

See Also