Getting Started with SAFR Desktop with a Cloud Account

SAFR Desktop installs the Desktop Client as well as SAFR Actions, a programmable interface to create and manage responses to event triggers.

SAFR Desktop Contents

The Windows SAFR Desktop installation includes the following:

The macOS SAFR Desktop installation includes the following:


Before you begin the installation, ensure that you have the following prerequisites:

Download and Install SAFR Desktop

To download and install SAFR Desktop, do the following:

  1. On the computer where you want to install SAFR Desktop, open a web browser and go to the Download Portal.
  2. Sign in with your SAFR Cloud Account's credentials.
  3. Once signed in, select your operating system from the menu and download the appropriate SAFR Desktop installer.
  4. After the download is complete, start the installation.
  5. The SAFR Desktop installer displays a Choose Components window where you can choose the features you want to install, such as: You may uncheck the boxes for any features you do not want to install. We recommend installing all the components except the VMS and camera extensions the first time you install SAFR Desktop.
  6. Follow the installer prompts as they guide you through the rest of the installation process. The final phase of the installation may take a few minutes to complete as it installs dependencies and runs the configuration scripts. Allow it to continue without interruption.

After the installation finishes, two icons will appear on your desktop: one labeled "SAFRActions" and another labeled "SAFR". SAFRActions launches SAFR Actions, while SAFR launches the Desktop Client.

Note: Windows SAFR versions earlier than 3.1 are only compatible with NVidia driver versions 418.96 to 431.86.

Next Steps

Great! Now that you've installed a Desktop Client, you're ready to explore SAFR's features. We recommend that you do the following: