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RealNetworks.ArgusKit Namespace Reference


class  AddEventOperation
class  AesCryptor
struct  Age
 Represents an age or age range. If the lower and the upper bound are the same value then this object represents an exact age. Otherwise it represents an age range. More...
class  AnalysisResult
 The result of an image analyzer operation. More...
class  AsynchronousOperation
class  BadgeDetectionOperation
class  BadgeDetectionService
 Provides Badge Detection Service options. More...
class  BadgeDetector
class  BadgeDetectorConfiguration
 Stores configuration information for the badge detector. More...
class  BadgeDetectorService
class  BadgeEvent
 An event which represents a detected / recognized badge. More...
struct  BadgeEventJsonTags
class  BusyException
class  CancelledFaceRecognizerResult
 The recognition result which is returned if the recognition has been canceled
class  CancelledMultipleObjectDetectionResult
class  CancelledObjectDetectionResult
 The result that is returned if the detection operation has been canceled. More...
class  CloudAccount
 Represents the log-in information for a cloud environment. More...
class  CloudEnvironment
 Represents a cloud environment to which the object tracker and event reporting services should connect to do object recognition and event reporting. More...
class  CloudFaceRecognizerOperation
class  CloudFaceRecognizerService
class  CloudOperation
class  CloudVerificationOperation
class  ConcurrentDispatchQueue
class  CustomJavaScriptSerializer
class  CVServerException
class  DetectedBadge
 Represents a Badge that was detected. More...
class  DetectedFace
 Represents a face that was detected. More...
class  DetectedFaceRecognizerResult
 The recognition result which is returned if faces have been detected in the image
class  DetectedMultipleObjectDetectionResult
class  DetectedObject
 Base class for Face / Badge / RecognizedObject. More...
class  DetectedObjectAverager
class  DetectedObjectDetectionResult
 The result that is returned if at least one object has been detected in the image. More...
class  DetectedRecognizedObject
 Represents a Person object that was detected. More...
struct  DetectionService
 Specifies the service that should be used to run face detection. The preferred service is 'Tensorflow' which runs locally. More...
struct  DetectMaskActionProperties
struct  DetectMaskActionThumbnailImageIds
class  DetectMaskRecognizer
 Producer of Mask Check events. More...
class  DidEndEventEventArgs
 The event arguments for the did-end-event event. More...
class  DidReceiveReplyEventArgs
 The event arguments for a did-receive-reply event. More...
class  DidStartEventEventArgs
 The event arguments for the did-start-event. More...
class  DidUpdateEventEventArgs
 The event arguments for the did-update-event event. More...
class  DidUpdateEventWithPropertiesArgs
 The event arguments for a did-update-event event. More...
struct  DirectionOfTravelActionDirectionIds
struct  DirectionOfTravelActionProperties
struct  DirectionOfTravelActionThumbnailImageIds
class  DirectionOfTravelRecognizer
 Producer of Unauthorized Direction events. More...
class  DispatchQueue
class  EnvironmentExtensions
class  EnvironmentTypes
class  EventReporter
 The event reporter reports person and badge events to the event server in the cloud. More...
class  EventReporterConfiguration
 Stores configuration information for the event reporter. More...
class  EventReporterStatistics
 Stores statistical information about the event reporting process. More...
class  EventServerOperation
class  EventStatus
class  EventStatusOperation
class  EventStatusParams
class  FaceDetectionOperation
class  FaceDetector
 The face detector. A face detector uses a neural network to try and find one or more faces inside an image. The face detector may run locally on the machine or it may run in the cloud. More...
class  FaceDetectorConfiguration
 Stores configuration information for a face detector. More...
class  FaceDetectorService
class  FaceEvent
 A face event. A face event is generated every time the observation of a face changes. E.g. if a face is detected, recognized, etc. More...
class  FacePredictor
 A face predicator computes a future face position and size based on size and location information from the past. More...
class  FaceRecognitionOperation
 Base class for various Face Recognition operations.
class  FaceRecognizer
 The face recognizer. This class takes care of packaging the face image up and sending it to the cloud for recognition. It receives the result and returns it to the caller. More...
class  FaceRecognizerConfiguration
 Stores configuration information for a face recognizer. More...
class  FaceRecognizerDidFinishRequestEventArgs
 The event arguments of the did-finish-request event.
class  FaceRecognizerResult
 The recognition result base class.
class  FaceRecognizerService
class  FailedFaceRecognizerResult
 The recognition result which is returned if recognition has failed for some reason.
class  FailedMultipleObjectDetectionResult
class  FailedObjectDetectionResult
 The result that is returned if the object detector has failed. More...
struct  Gender
 Represents the gender of a person as determined by the face recognition system. More...
class  GetObjectOperation
class  GraphicsUtils
class  Hosts
 The host base URLs for a custom environment. More...
interface  IDetectedObject
 Common interface for all types of detected objects. More...
interface  IEventReporter
interface  IFaceLandmarks
 The landmarks of a face. All landmark points are in normalized coordinates with the origin in the top left corner of the face bounding box. Note that all landmarks are optional. The face detector may not be able to compute a specific landmark. The landmark will be nil in this case. More...
interface  IFaceValidator
class  ImageAnalyzer
 The image analyzer is able to detect and recognize faces in an image. More...
class  ImageAnalyzerConfiguration
 The image analyzer configuration. Create an instance of this class and configure it as desired then pass it to the image analyzer when you create an instance. More...
class  ImageConverter
 An image renderer which caches the rendered image.
class  ImageRenderer
 An image renderer which caches the rendered image.
class  IncompatibleSignaturesFaceRecognizerResult
interface  ITrackingException
 AN object tracking error. More...
class  Json
class  JsonClassAttribute
class  JsonPropertyAttribute
class  LibFaceDetector
class  LibObjectDetector
class  LibTagDetector
class  LivenessRecognizerConfiguration
 The generic liveness configuration. This allows for alternate liveness algorithms in the future. More...
class  Log
struct  LogLevel
struct  LogTag
class  MotionVector
 Represents a change in location and size. More...
class  MultipleObjectDetectionResult
class  MultipleObjectDetector
 The object detector. More...
class  MultipleObjectDetectorConfiguration
 Stores configuration information for the object detector. More...
class  MultipleObjectDetectorDidFinishRequestEventArgs
class  NoneFaceRecognizerResult
 The recognition result which is returned if no face has been recognized
class  NoneMultipleObjectDetectionResult
class  NoneObjectDetectionResult
 The result which is returned if nothing was detected in the image. More...
class  ObjectAction
struct  ObjectActionIds
struct  ObjectActionProperties
class  ObjectActionRecognizer
 Abstract base class of all action recognizers. An action recognizer tracks an event stream to find out whether an action should be triggered. More...
struct  ObjectActionTypes
class  ObjectCloudOperation
class  ObjectDetectionOperation
class  ObjectDetectionResult
 The object detection result base class. More...
class  ObjectDetector
 The object detector. More...
class  ObjectDetectorConfiguration
 Stores the configuration information for an object detector. More...
class  ObjectDetectorDidFinishRequestEventArgs
 The event arguments for the did-finish-request event. More...
class  ObjectDetectorService
class  ObjectEvent
 The base class for all event types. More...
class  ObjectEventDataStore
 The object event store locally stores events while they are being generated. More...
class  ObjectEventLog
 The event log records the results from an object tracker and translates them into person an other object events which are eventually reported to the cloud event server. More...
class  ObjectEventLogStatistics
 The event log statistics. More...
class  ObjectServer
class  ObjectServerConfiguration
 Stores configuration information for the object storage service. More...
class  ObjectTracker
class  ObjectTrackerConfiguration
 The object tracker configuration. Create an instance of this class and configure it as desired then pass it to the object tracker when you create the object tracker instance. More...
class  ObjectTrackerDidSuspendWithErrorEventArgs
 An event which the object tracker sends when it detects an error. For example, if the network connection was lost. The object tracker will remain in suspended state until it has detected that the error condition no longer exists. It then resumes tracking automatically. More...
class  ObjectTrackerDidTrackEventArgs
 An event which the object tracker sends in response to trackObjects() calls and every time the state of a tracked object changes. More...
class  ObjectTrackerStatistics
 Statistical information about the current state of the object tracking process. More...
class  PeopleIndexer
class  PeopleIndexerConfiguration
 The configuration for a people indexer object. More...
class  Person
 Represents a person. Contains information from analysis of face and identity information from SAFR services. More...
class  PersonAverager
class  PersonEvent
 An event which represents a detected / recognized person. More...
class  PersonEventAverager
class  PersonEventGenerator
struct  PersonEventJsonTags
class  PersonEventReply
class  PersonEventUpdatableProperties
 Container which holds properties which may be updated in an event. More...
class  PersonIdClassString
class  PersonJson
struct  PersonJsonTags
struct  PersonTags
class  PersonUpdatableProperties
class  PersonUpdatablePropertiesExtensions
class  PlatformPortConfig
class  PointFExtensions
class  PoseConfiguration
 A recognizer which is able to detect whether a person is smiling. More...
class  PoseLivenessActionRecognizer
 Represents a detected face. More...
struct  PoseLivenessActionThumbnailImageIds
class  PoseLivenessResultLog
 Pose Liveness Result Log. More...
class  PoseLivenessResultLogConfiguration
 Pose Liveness Result Log Configuration. More...
class  PostImageOptions
class  PredictedFace
 Represents a predicted face. That is a face bounding box with a position and size that is computed based on the past size and location changes. More...
struct  RecognitionAttempt
 Represents the information that is needed to attempt the recognition of a person from a face More...
struct  RecognitionCandidate
 A recognition candidate is an image which contains a face and for which we want to potentially attempt a recognition. More...
class  RecognitionMode
 The recognition mode controls whether the recognizer is allowed to learn a new person or whether it should only do recognitions. Also whether information about similar persons should be returned. More...
class  RecognitionProcess
class  RecognitionResult
 Object which represents the result of a recognition request. More...
class  RecognizedFace
 A face that was recognized and which provides person information. More...
class  RecognizedObject
 Storage for Known Object custom attributes. More...
class  RecognizedObjectDetectionOperation
class  RecognizedObjectDetectionService
 Provides Recognized Object Detection Service options. More...
class  RecognizedObjectDetector
class  RecognizedObjectDetectorConfiguration
 Stores configuration information for the badeg detector. More...
class  RecognizedObjectDetectorService
class  RecognizedObjectEvent
 An event which represents a detected / recognized badge. More...
struct  RecognizedObjectEventJsonTags
class  RectangleAverager
class  RectangleFExtensions
class  RegionConfiguration
 Stores region configuration information. More...
class  RegionMap
 Defines view region for special processing of detected objects. More...
struct  RGBLivenessActionThumbnailImageIds
class  RGBLivenessRecognizer
 A recognizer which is able to detect whether a recognized person is live or fake. More...
class  RGBLivenessRecognizerConfiguration
 The RGB liveness configuration. This contains the specific configuration for RGB liveness More...
class  Sentiment
 Object which represents the sentiment of a person. More...
class  SerialDispatchQueue
class  SmileActionRecognizer
 A recognizer which is able to detect whether a person is smiling. More...
struct  SmileActionThumbnailImageIds
class  StoreImageCloudOperation
class  StoreLogDataOperation
class  StoreObjectCloudOperation
class  StringExtensions
class  ThumbnailQualityAttributes
class  ThumbnailQualityAttributesConfiguration
class  TrackedBadge
 Represents a badge which is tracked by the object tracker. More...
class  TrackedBadgeEvent
 Represents an event about a badge. More...
class  TrackedFace
 Represents a face that is tracked by the object tracker. More...
struct  TrackedFaceChange
 Represents information about a change that should be applied to a tracked face. E.g. it holds the name if a name should be applied to a tracked face. Note that only properties are changed on a tracked face which are non-nil. Nil properties are ignored and not changed. More...
class  TrackedObject
 Represents an object that was detected and possibly recognized by the object tracker. More...
class  TrackedRecognizedObject
 Represents a known object which is tracked by the object tracker. More...
class  TrackedRecognizedObjectEvent
 Represents an event about a recognized object. More...
class  TrackingRecognizerException
 The face recognizer returned an (HTTP) error. More...
class  TrackingResult
 Describes the result of tracking faces in the most recent frame. The face tracker makes this information available to its delegate. More...
class  TrackingResultFrame
class  TrackingUnrecognizableException
 The face recognizer was unable to recognize a face. More...
class  UnableToAuthenticateException
class  UpdateEventOperation
class  UriExtensions
struct  UriQueryItem
struct  VectorF
 A 2-dimensional vector type. More...


using ObjectDetectorRequestID = Int64
using RequestID = Int64
using BadgeDetectionResult = ObjectDetectionResult< DetectedBadge >
using FaceDetectionResult = ObjectDetectionResult< DetectedFace >
using RecognizedObjectDetectionResult = ObjectDetectionResult< DetectedRecognizedObject >


enum  ConfigurationPreset {
  ConfigurationPreset.Recognition, ConfigurationPreset.Import, ConfigurationPreset.LearnMonitor, ConfigurationPreset.SecureAccess,
  ConfigurationPreset.SecureAccessWithSmile, ConfigurationPreset.EnrolledMonitoring, ConfigurationPreset.EnrolledStrangerMonitoring, ConfigurationPreset.Similar,
 The configuration presets for specific use cases. More...
enum  DetectedObjectType { DetectedObjectType.Badge, DetectedObjectType.Face, DetectedObjectType.RecognizedObject }
 The type of the detected object. More...
enum  FaceEventType {
  FaceEventType.Invalid, FaceEventType.Appear, FaceEventType.Disappear, FaceEventType.Recognize,
  FaceEventType.RecognizeConfirm, FaceEventType.RecognizeAttempt, FaceEventType.Unrecognize, FaceEventType.UnrecognizeInsert,
  FaceEventType.UnrecognizeTrack, FaceEventType.LingerEnter, FaceEventType.LingerExit, FaceEventType.Terminate,
  FaceEventType.ActionStart, FaceEventType.ActionEnd
 The type of a face event. More...
enum  FaceValidationService { FaceValidationService.RealFace }
 The support face validation services. More...
enum  GenderType { GenderType.Unknown, GenderType.Male, GenderType.Female }
 The specific gender type. More...
enum  ObjectDetectionResultType { ObjectDetectionResultType.Detected, ObjectDetectionResultType.None, ObjectDetectionResultType.Failed, ObjectDetectionResultType.Cancelled }
 The object detection result type. More...
enum  PersonIdClass {
  PersonIdClass.Unknown, PersonIdClass.Unidentified, PersonIdClass.Stranger, PersonIdClass.NoConcern,
  PersonIdClass.Concern, PersonIdClass.Threat
 A person's classification. More...
enum  PersonEventContext { PersonEventContext.Live, PersonEventContext.Media }
 The event context More...
enum  PersonEventType { PersonEventType.Person, PersonEventType.Badge, PersonEventType.Action, PersonEventType.RecognizedObject }
 Type of event. More...
enum  RecognitionAttemptReason { RecognitionAttemptReason.Recognition, RecognitionAttemptReason.Persistence, RecognitionAttemptReason.Verification, RecognitionAttemptReason.Reconfirmation }
 The reason for a recognition attempt. More...
enum  RecognitionAttemptResult { RecognitionAttemptResult.Recognized, RecognitionAttemptResult.Unrecognized, RecognitionAttemptResult.Failed }
 The result of a recognition attempt. More...
enum  TrackedObjectState {
  TrackedObjectState.Detected, TrackedObjectState.Recognizing, TrackedObjectState.Recognized, TrackedObjectState.Unconfirmed,
 The state of a tracked object. More...
enum  TrackingErrorType { TrackingErrorType.RecognizerError, TrackingErrorType.UnrecognizableFace }
 The type of tracking error. More...


delegate void ImageAnalyzerCompletion (AnalysisResult result, Exception error)
 The analyze completion handler. More...
delegate void LogSink (LogLevel level, LogTag tag, string message)

Typedef Documentation

◆ BadgeDetectionResult

◆ FaceDetectionResult

◆ ObjectDetectorRequestID

◆ RecognizedObjectDetectionResult

◆ RequestID

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ConfigurationPreset

The configuration presets for specific use cases.


Preset to allow recognition of registered persons only.


Preset optimized for learning persons from photos.


Preset optimized for recognition of persons and learning new persons.


◆ DetectedObjectType

The type of the detected object.


The object is a badge.


The object is a face.


The object is one of known types (for example person).

◆ FaceEventType

The type of a face event.


◆ FaceValidationService

The support face validation services.


◆ GenderType

The specific gender type.


The exact gender could not be determined.


The gender of the person is male.


The gender of the person is female.

◆ ObjectDetectionResultType

The object detection result type.


◆ PersonEventContext

The event context


Event was generated from a live camera stream


Event was generated from a video file

◆ PersonEventType

Type of event.


◆ PersonIdClass

A person's classification.


The person is unclassified


The person is unidentified


The person is a stranger


The person is not a concern


The person is a concern


The person is a threat

◆ RecognitionAttemptReason

The reason for a recognition attempt.


A recognition attempt. This should update identities and states.


A face persistence attempt. This should NOT update identities nor states.


A face verification attempt. This should NOT update identities nor states.


A reconfirmation attempt. This should update identities and states.

◆ RecognitionAttemptResult

The result of a recognition attempt.


Object was recognized.


Object was not recognized.


The attempt recognition failed.

◆ TrackedObjectState

The state of a tracked object.


The object has been detected but we don't know yet what the identity of the object is.


The object is in the process of being recognized.


The object has been recognized.


The face object been recognized as identity X but we are no longer sure that this is still identity X, do a re-recognition.


The object is in the process of being reconfirmed.

◆ TrackingErrorType

The type of tracking error.


It was not possible to successfully complete a face recognition request. For example because of a network communication error.


The face was successfully sent for recognition but the recognizer was unable to recognize it

Function Documentation

◆ ImageAnalyzerCompletion()

delegate void RealNetworks.ArgusKit.ImageAnalyzerCompletion ( AnalysisResult  result,
Exception  error 

The analyze completion handler.

resultthe analysis result
errorthe error or null

◆ LogSink()

delegate void RealNetworks.ArgusKit.LogSink ( LogLevel  level,
LogTag  tag,
string  message 