SAFR Windows SDK
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CAgeRepresents an age or age range. If the lower and the upper bound are the same value then this object represents an exact age. Otherwise it represents an age range
 CAnalysisResultThe result of an image analyzer operation
 CBadgeDetectionServiceProvides Badge Detection Service options
 CBadgeDetectorConfigurationStores configuration information for the badge detector
 CBadgeEventAn event which represents a detected / recognized badge
 CCancelledObjectDetectionResultThe result that is returned if the detection operation has been canceled
 CCloudAccountRepresents the log-in information for a cloud environment
 CCloudEnvironmentRepresents a cloud environment to which the object tracker and event reporting services should connect to do object recognition and event reporting
 CDetectedBadgeRepresents a Badge that was detected
 CDetectedFaceRepresents a face that was detected
 CDetectedObjectBase class for Face / Badge / RecognizedObject
 CDetectedObjectDetectionResultThe result that is returned if at least one object has been detected in the image
 CDetectedRecognizedObjectRepresents a Person object that was detected
 CDetectionServiceSpecifies the service that should be used to run face detection. The preferred service is 'Tensorflow' which runs locally
 CDetectMaskRecognizerProducer of Mask Check events
 CDidChangeStateEventArgsThe did-change-state event handler
 CDidChangeStatusEventArgsThe did-change-status event handler
 CDidEndEventEventArgsThe event arguments for the did-end-event event
 CDidReceiveReplyEventArgsThe event arguments for a did-receive-reply event
 CDidStartEventEventArgsThe event arguments for the did-start-event
 CDidUpdateEventEventArgsThe event arguments for the did-update-event event
 CDidUpdateEventWithPropertiesArgsThe event arguments for a did-update-event event
 CDirectionOfTravelRecognizerProducer of Unauthorized Direction events
 CEventReporterThe event reporter reports person and badge events to the event server in the cloud
 CEventReporterConfigurationStores configuration information for the event reporter
 CEventReporterStatisticsStores statistical information about the event reporting process
 CFaceDetectorThe face detector. A face detector uses a neural network to try and find one or more faces inside an image. The face detector may run locally on the machine or it may run in the cloud
 CFaceDetectorConfigurationStores configuration information for a face detector
 CFaceEventA face event. A face event is generated every time the observation of a face changes. E.g. if a face is detected, recognized, etc
 CFacePredictorA face predicator computes a future face position and size based on size and location information from the past
 CFaceRecognizerThe face recognizer. This class takes care of packaging the face image up and sending it to the cloud for recognition. It receives the result and returns it to the caller
 CFaceRecognizerConfigurationStores configuration information for a face recognizer
 CFailedObjectDetectionResultThe result that is returned if the object detector has failed
 CGenderRepresents the gender of a person as determined by the face recognition system
 CHostsThe host base URLs for a custom environment
 CIDetectedObjectCommon interface for all types of detected objects
 CIFaceLandmarksThe landmarks of a face. All landmark points are in normalized coordinates with the origin in the top left corner of the face bounding box. Note that all landmarks are optional. The face detector may not be able to compute a specific landmark. The landmark will be nil in this case
 CImageAnalyzerThe image analyzer is able to detect and recognize faces in an image
 CImageAnalyzerConfigurationThe image analyzer configuration. Create an instance of this class and configure it as desired then pass it to the image analyzer when you create an instance
 CITrackingExceptionAN object tracking error
 CLivenessRecognizerConfigurationThe generic liveness configuration. This allows for alternate liveness algorithms in the future
 CMotionVectorRepresents a change in location and size
 CMultipleObjectDetectorThe object detector
 CMultipleObjectDetectorConfigurationStores configuration information for the object detector
 CNoneObjectDetectionResultThe result which is returned if nothing was detected in the image
 CObjectActionRecognizerAbstract base class of all action recognizers. An action recognizer tracks an event stream to find out whether an action should be triggered
 CDidRecognizeActionEventArgsThe did-recognize-action event arguments
 CObjectDetectionResultThe object detection result base class
 CObjectDetectorThe object detector
 CObjectDetectorConfigurationStores the configuration information for an object detector
 CObjectDetectorDidFinishRequestEventArgsThe event arguments for the did-finish-request event
 CObjectEventThe base class for all event types
 CObjectEventDataStoreThe object event store locally stores events while they are being generated
 CDidAddEventEventArgsThe event arguments for the did-add-event event
 CObjectEventLogThe event log records the results from an object tracker and translates them into person an other object events which are eventually reported to the cloud event server
 CObjectEventLogStatisticsThe event log statistics
 CObjectServerConfigurationStores configuration information for the object storage service
 CObjectTrackerConfigurationThe object tracker configuration. Create an instance of this class and configure it as desired then pass it to the object tracker when you create the object tracker instance
 CObjectTrackerDidSuspendWithErrorEventArgsAn event which the object tracker sends when it detects an error. For example, if the network connection was lost. The object tracker will remain in suspended state until it has detected that the error condition no longer exists. It then resumes tracking automatically
 CObjectTrackerDidTrackEventArgsAn event which the object tracker sends in response to trackObjects() calls and every time the state of a tracked object changes
 CObjectTrackerStatisticsStatistical information about the current state of the object tracking process
 CPeopleIndexerConfigurationThe configuration for a people indexer object
 CPersonRepresents a person. Contains information from analysis of face and identity information from SAFR services
 CPersonEventAn event which represents a detected / recognized person
 CPersonEventUpdatablePropertiesContainer which holds properties which may be updated in an event
 CPoseConfigurationA recognizer which is able to detect whether a person is smiling
 CPoseLivenessActionRecognizerRepresents a detected face
 CDidChangeStateEventArgsThe did-change-state event arguments
 CDidUpdateDataEventArgsThe did-update-data event arguments
 CPoseLivenessResultLogPose Liveness Result Log
 CPoseLivenessResultLogConfigurationPose Liveness Result Log Configuration
 CPredictedFaceRepresents a predicted face. That is a face bounding box with a position and size that is computed based on the past size and location changes
 CRecognitionAttemptRepresents the information that is needed to attempt the recognition of a person from a face
 CRecognitionCandidateA recognition candidate is an image which contains a face and for which we want to potentially attempt a recognition
 CRecognitionModeThe recognition mode controls whether the recognizer is allowed to learn a new person or whether it should only do recognitions. Also whether information about similar persons should be returned
 CRecognitionResultObject which represents the result of a recognition request
 CRecognizedFaceA face that was recognized and which provides person information
 CRecognizedObjectStorage for Known Object custom attributes
 CRecognizedObjectDetectionServiceProvides Recognized Object Detection Service options
 CRecognizedObjectDetectorConfigurationStores configuration information for the badeg detector
 CRecognizedObjectEventAn event which represents a detected / recognized badge
 CRegionConfigurationStores region configuration information
 CRegionMapDefines view region for special processing of detected objects
 CRGBLivenessRecognizerA recognizer which is able to detect whether a recognized person is live or fake
 CDidChangeStateEventArgsThe did-change-state event handler
 CRGBLivenessRecognizerConfigurationThe RGB liveness configuration. This contains the specific configuration for RGB liveness
 CSentimentObject which represents the sentiment of a person
 CSmileActionRecognizerA recognizer which is able to detect whether a person is smiling
 CDidChangeStateEventArgsThe did-change-state event arguments
 CTrackedBadgeRepresents a badge which is tracked by the object tracker
 CTrackedBadgeEventRepresents an event about a badge
 CTrackedFaceRepresents a face that is tracked by the object tracker
 CTrackedFaceChangeRepresents information about a change that should be applied to a tracked face. E.g. it holds the name if a name should be applied to a tracked face. Note that only properties are changed on a tracked face which are non-nil. Nil properties are ignored and not changed
 CTrackedObjectRepresents an object that was detected and possibly recognized by the object tracker
 CTrackedRecognizedObjectRepresents a known object which is tracked by the object tracker
 CTrackedRecognizedObjectEventRepresents an event about a recognized object
 CTrackingRecognizerExceptionThe face recognizer returned an (HTTP) error
 CTrackingResultDescribes the result of tracking faces in the most recent frame. The face tracker makes this information available to its delegate
 CTrackingUnrecognizableExceptionThe face recognizer was unable to recognize a face
 CVectorFA 2-dimensional vector type
 CAcceleratorAn accelerator which provides efficient GPU-based video decoding and image processing
 CAdapterAn adapter represents a single graphics card / GPU / PCI adapter which is available for graphics and video decoding acceleration. Use this class to get the list of all available adapter, then select an adapter from this list and use it to create an accelerator instance
 CCameraCamera is an abstract base class which represents a camera device and its properties. There are concrete subclasses for specific types of cameras: USB cameras, IP cameras and ONVIF cameras
 CCameraConfigurationThe persistent configuration of a camera
 CCameraCredentialsCredentials to authenticate a (ONVIF) camera
 CCameraIdentifierA globally unique camera identifier
 CCameraManagerThe camera manager is responsible for the discovery of cameras and it allows you easy access to the default camera for a camera position
 CCaptureSessionA video capture session is created by invoking the CreateCaptureSession() function on a camera object. It represents a video stream with a specific video resolution and frames-per-second setting. A capture session is created in paused state. Set its Capturing property to true to start the capture session and set it to false to pause or stop the capture session
 CDidDecodeEventArgsThe event arguments for the event that is sent for every decoded video frame
 CDidDetectErrorEventArgsThe arguments of the event which is sent if the capture session has encountered an error
 CCaptureSessionExceptionA capture session error
 CCaptureSessionStatisticsThe capture session statistics
 CContrastEnhacenmentParametersOptional contrast enhancement parameters for a video frame. If present on a video frame then contrast enhancement is applied right before face detection
 CContrastEnhancerApplies a contrast enhancing algorithm to an image
 CDidChangeConfigurationEventArgsThe event arguments for a configuration changed event
 CDirectionOfTravelDescriptorThe persistent configuration of a camera
 CFPSEstimatorThis class knows how to efficiently estimate the current frames per second from a continuous stream of timestamps. A new FPS value is computed every second
 CICameraConfigurationCommon configuration properties for all camera types. Individual camera types may define additional configuration properties that are specific to that camera type
 CIDepthDataRepresents depth information for an image. Smaller depth values are closer to the camera than larger depth values. The origin of the coordinate system is in the top left corner. The width and height of the depth data may be significantly less than the width and height of the corresponding video image
 CIDepthProfileA depth data profile which defines the specific resolution, filter setting and accuracy of the depth data that should be captured
 CImageCacheAn image cache maintains a cache of GPU-based and / or CPU-based images. This allows efficient reuse of images
 CImageCacheStatisticsThe image cache statistics
 CImageMapperAn image mapper allows you to efficiently gain read-only access to the pixels of an image. It works with bitmap and texture backed images
 CImageMappingThe image mapping structure describes the pixel buffer which holds the image pixels. It is filled in by the Map() function when it returns
 CIntelRealsenseCameraAn Intel Realsense camera
 CIntelRealsenseCameraConfigurationThe persistent configuration of a camera
 CIVideoProfileA video profile which defines a specific video resolution and maximum frame rate at which a video stream should be captured
 COnvifCameraAn ONVIF camera object represents a camera which implements the ONVIF camera discovery and managed standard
 COnvifCameraConfigurationThe persistent configuration of a camera
 CRangeRepresents a inclusive range
 CThreadCaptureSessionA capture session that supports Thread based frame retrieval
 CTimestampA timestamp represents an absolute point in time on a (video stream) time line. A timestamp is based on a video frame presentation time stamp. It also stores the wall clock time that corresponds to the time when the video frame was decoded
 CUnableToAuthenticateExceptionIndicates that the camera requires authentication but either none or incorrect authentication information was provided
 CUnableToConnectExceptionIndicates an error while trying to connect to a camera
 CUSBCameraA USBCamera is a camera which is directly connected to the computer and discovered by the operating system. Examples of such cameras are cameras which are connected via USB
 CUSBCameraConfigurationThe persistent configuration of a camera
 CUSBCaptureSessionA USB camera capture session
 CVideoFrameA video frame
 CVideoPlayerA video player object which is able to play h.264 / h.265 video files and video streams
 CFramePoolOptionInitial size of the internal video decoder frame pool. FramePoolInitialSizePlatformDefault means that the size should be auto-configured for the platform. FramePoolInitialSizeDecoderDefault means that the size should be auto-configured for the decoder. Valid values for explicit sizes are 1 to 32. If 0 is specified it is considered invalid and will be bumped up to a size of 1
 COptionOptions which control how the video player opens the video stream and how it should tread it. E.g. apply lens correction to it
 CRotationOptionRotate the video image clock-wise
 CVideoPlayerStatisticsThe video player statistics
 CVideoViewA video view displays the video frames from a capture session or video player on the screen. Note that the video view itself does not impose video timing. It immediately display a video frame when you set it on the view. The video timing is provided by the capture session or video player
 CXimeaCameraA Ximea USB3 Vision camera
 CXimeaCameraConfigurationThe persistent configuration of a camera