Integrated SAFR Genetec FaceRec is only available on Windows.
Integrating SAFR's facial recognition and analysis capabilities into Genetec enables you to use SAFR's video feed information overlays within Genetec camera video feeds, thus making it much easier to quickly and accurately separate unknown people from authorized people from known threats. You'll also have immediate access to additional infomation such as age, gender, sentiment, name, company, known associates, or any other configurable information you want to create. Below is an example of what you might see when you integrate SAFR with Genetec's video feeds:
The person in the top left is a stranger, the person in the top right is has been flagged as a person of concern, and the person in the bottom left is a known threat. The information is conveyed by the color of their overlays. For more information on what the overlay colors mean, see Interpret Video Feed Overlays.
Integrating the two systems also allows SAFR's information about individuals to trigger Genetec alerts and other actions within the Genetec system.
The SAFR Genetec FaceRec Integration Guide discusses how to install and configure SAFR and Genetec so that the two systems are properly integrated. This page discusses how to operate the integrated systems.
You can set several Genetec-specific preferences by opening the SAFR Desktop Client and clicking on Tools -> Preferences -> Genetec.
To connect additional cameras:
By default, the SAFR Desktop Client operates in the Enrolled Monitoring video processing mode and generates events and bookmarks into the Genetec system for every registered person. If you want a different mode for a given camera, choose a different mode from that camera's Camera window Mode Selector menu.
Genetec cardholders can be registered to SAFR by doing the following:
You can also register people to SAFR by using SAFR's native functionality. For more information, see Importing and Registering People. Although people registered with SAFR are never synchronized to Genetec, you may want to register people to SAFR anyways when you want to add threats, concerns, or other registered people who may not be suitable as Genetec cardholders.
You may want to edit people's properties to better manage which events get triggered when that person is recognized, For example, setting a person's ID Class to Concern or Threat triggers the corresponding alarms, while changing a cardholder group can allow you to trigger a VIP alert for specific cardholder groups. The most important people attributes are the Name, Image, Person Type, and ID Class.
Attributes should be edited through Genetec Security Center whenever possible. Person Type defines a person's role (for example, staff or visitor) while the ID Class defines the risk level (No-Concern, Stranger, Concern, or Threat). Person Type and Image can be edited in Security Center by changing the cardholder group a person belongs to.
To edit these attributes, open Cardholder Management in Genetec Config Tool and update the desired users. After making changes, make sure to either manually synchronize users or set automatic synchronization as described previously in the "Register Cardholders".
ID Class and any other attributes of a person must be edited in SAFR's People dialog accessed through the Desktop Client > Tools menu. All cardholders imported from Genetec Security Center are assigned an ID Class of Normal. To edit the ID Class of a person, click Tools > People in the Desktop Client. The following window is displayed:
The Person Type and Name attributes can be edited by clicking their respective fields in the People window. To edit ID Class, in the People Edit dialog, double-click the user and choose the desired value from the ID Class menu as shown in the following image:
You can use SAFR to generate events. When enabled on the Events Preferences page, events occur when a person appears in the view of a connected camera. When a person appears in the camera's view, they're immediately assigned an ID Class attribute, although that ID Class may change if the system successfully recognizes them and assigns them a more appropriate ID Class. The types of ID Classes are listed below.
There are several different combinations of the conditions that are triggered. The following image shows multiple events populated in the Genetec alerts panel. Clicking any of the events allows the video from that event to be replayed:
The following table lists the available events that SAFR makes available to Genetec.
Event Message | Id Class | Named | Person Type | Condition | People Attributes |
Unrecognizable face detected | N/A | N/A | N/A | Face detected but insufficient information for recognition | idClass="unidentified" |
Stranger detected | Stranger | N/A | N/A | Face detected but not found in registered people | idClass="stranger" |
Registered person detected without name | Normal | No | None | Registered person without name or person type assigned | idClass="noconcern" && personType="" && name="" |
Registered person detected with name <name> | Normal | Yes | None | Registered person with name but no person type | idClass="noconcern" && personType="" && name=<name> |
Registered person detected of type <personType> | Normal | No | Defined | Registered person with person type but no name | idClass="noconcern" && personType=<personType> && name="" |
Registered person detected of type <personType> with name <name> | Normal | Yes | Defined | Registered person with person type and name | idClass="noconcern" && personType=<personType> && name=<name> |
Concern person detected without a name | Concern | No | None | Same as above for Concern | idClass="concern" && personType="" && name="" |
Concern person detected with name <name> | Concern | Yes | None | Same as above for Concern | idClass="concern" && personType="" && name=<name> |
Concern person detected of type <personType> | Concern | No | Defined | Same as above for Concern | idClass="concern" && personType=<personType> && name="" |
Concern person detected of type <personType> with name <name> | Concern | Yes | Defined | Same as above for Concern | idClass="concern" && personType=<personType> && name=<name> |
Threat person detected without a name | Threat | No | None | Same as above for Threat | idClass="threat" && personType="" && name="" |
Threat person detected with name <name> | Threat | Yes | None | Same as above for Threat | idClass="threat" && personType="" && name=<name> |
Threat person detected of type <personType> | Threat | No | Defined | Same as above for Threat | idClass="threat" && personType=<personType> && name="" |
Threat person detected of type <personType> with name <name> | Threat | Yes | Defined | Same as above for Threat | idClass="threat" && personType=<personType> && name=<name> |
SAFR has different operator modes that control what events are generated. Below is a short summary of the modes most relevant to Genetec Security Center integration. For a complete description, see the Operator Modes documentation.
To trigger the alert as a result of a SAFR-generated event, do the following:
Open the Genetec Config Tool, and go to the System Panel.
Click the + icon to add a new alarm, and click the When menu. Type SAFR and press Enter to see the list of SAFR-enabled alarms.
Choose the desired entry from the list.
Under From, choose the camera you want to use to trigger the event. Under Action, choose a desired action. (e.g. Trigger Alarm)
Click Save when done.
SAFR Events can be tied to Actions which can then trigger an Alarm. Initially create an alarm you want to trigger, and then use Genetec Event-to-Action dialog to tie SAFR Events to any action that can be defined in the Genetec system (for example, Trigger Alarm).
An alarm can be used to make sure an important event is noticed. In this example, we show how to create an alarm that is triggered when someone who has been marked as a threat is recognized on one of the cameras. For more information on triggering events, refer to Genetec support documentation.
To create an alarm, do the following:
Properties task |
Advanced task |
When SAFR is configured to Include Event Details in reported events, highly customized actions can be programmed using macros in the Genetec system. Event details include all information associated with the detected face (e.g. Name, Person Type, Age, Gender, Sentiment, etc.). For more information on macros, refer to the Genetec support documentation.
Note: When closing SAFR, use the Quit SAFR option on the File menu. Closing SAFR using the Window Close button will cause you to lose the SAFR state settings and connected cameras for that window.