October 6 2021 Release Notes
- People page changes for Access Control
- Video Feeds page changes for Access Control
- Feed name search as substring match against text entered for feed name in Add Feed dialog.
- All the Lite Desktop Client changes.
- All the Windows Desktop Client changes.
- Person Record updates for Access Control
- VIRGA/VIRGO adjustments for Access Control
- Person Record updates for Access Control
- VIRGA/VIRGO adjustments for Access Control
- Discontinued support for Ubuntu 16
- Added support for Ubuntu 20.04 and Redhat 7.x
- Person Record updates for Access Control
- VIRGA/VIRGO adjustments for Access Control
- Bug fixes.
- Support for person records without face image
- New sign-in flow
- Enrolled people page - UI improvements
- Person details page - UI improvements, added Group, Notes & Access Control fields, Edit & Delete options
- Recents & Matches - UI improvements
- Added support for viewing of Event Sources
- Searchable, Read Only, enabled "view feed" but without metadata display (only video without face frames)
- Bug fixes
- New side bar for easier navigation, which results in less clutter on the main UI.
- New sign-in flow.
- New color scheme throughout the client.
- Enrolled people page was completely rewritten to use paging so the performance is fast with large databases of people. There is now support for searching and sorting of the people.
- Added new person details page, which allows for editing basic information, access controls, enrollment information, and additional information. There is also support to delete people.
- Added view activity support to see events for a specific person. This is available in the person details page.
- Added recent matches.
- Updated the event history (recent events) to include support for tapping on an event and viewing the person details.
- Updated the event history filter to include idClass.
- Added support for viewing of event sources. This adds the ability to search for event sources and to filter them. This shows the status of all the feeds.
- Added an Event Sources detail view, which allows for quick enabling of the feed, setting the mode or editing the source name. This also includes the status of the feed.
- Added support to view the event source feed with overlays similar to what the user sees in the main UI.
- Enhanced the sample app with an RGB liveness ON/OFF option.