Understand Jetson eSDK Object Face Estimation and Signature Compositing

This page describes the SAFR eSDK objects you use to estimate certain characteristics of detected faces as well as the signature compositor object which can be used to create a composite signature from a set of source signatures.


An age estimator instance allows you to estimate the age of detect faces in an image. All face estimator APIs are synchronous. Parallism/asynchronous behavior can be achieved by the caller by creating a thread and assigning the estimator instance to that thread. This thread should then listen to estimation requests and process them with the help of the face estimator object.

EARAgeEstimator Threading

An estimator instance is owned by a single thread. Only this thread may use the estimator services.


An emotion estimator instance allows you to estimate the expressed emotion of detect faces in an image. All face estimator APIs are synchronous. Parallism/asynchronous behavior can be achieved by the caller by creating a thread and assigning the estimator instance to that thread. This thread should then listen to estimation requests and process them with the help of the face estimator object.

EAREmotionEstimator Threading

An estimator instance is owned by a single thread. Only this thread may use the estimator services.


An occlusion estimator instance allows you to estimate the amount of occlusion of detect faces in an image. All face estimator APIs are synchronous. Parallism/asynchronous behavior can be achieved by the caller by creating a thread and assigning the estimator instance to that thread. This thread should then listen to estimation requests and process them with the help of the face estimator object.

EAROcclusionEstimator Threading

An estimator instance is owned by a single thread. Only this thread may use the estimator services.


A gender detector instance allows you to detect the gender of detect faces in an image. All face detector APIs are synchronous. Parallism/asynchronous behavior can be achieved by the caller by creating a thread and assigning the detector instance to that thread. This thread should then listen to detection requests and process them with the help of the face detector object.

EARGenderDetector Threading

A detector instance is owned by a single thread. Only this thread may use the detector services.


A mask estimator instance allows you to estimate the probability of a face being covered by a mask. All face detector APIs are synchronous. Parallism/asynchronous behavior can be achieved by creating a thread and assigning the estimator instance to that thread. This thread should then listen to estimation requests and process them with the help of the face estimator object.

EARMaskEstimator Threading

An estimator instance is owned by a single thread. Only this thread may use the estimator services.


A signature compositor is used to create a composite signature from a set of source signatures. The source signatures should all represent the same physical person. For example you may have a set of person objects in the person store which all representthe same physical person. In this case you could create a singular merged person object in the person store for all the existing person objects by doing the following:

  1. Create a signature compositor.
  2. Get the signatures of all the person objects which represent the same physical person. (These are the input person objects.)
  3. Use the signature compositor to create the composite signature.
  4. Apply whatever algorithms are necessary to generate a correct merged representation of the metadata key-value pairs of the input persons.
  5. Create a new person in the person store from the composite signature.
  6. Add the merged metadata key-value pairs to the newly create composite person.
  7. Remove the input person objects from the person store.

See Also