3 SAFR Accounts
SAFR Software requires a SAFR License account. See SAFR SCAN
This section describes how to create your SAFR Reseller Software Download Account. SAFR Reseller Software Download Accounts give the reseller access to demo software free of charge and ability to create Customer Software Accounts. Customer Software Accounts allow your end users to download and activate the software.
3.1 Create Reseller Software Download Account
If you already have a Reseller Software Download Account, skip ahead to next section.
If your organization does not already have one, take following actions to request a new Reseller Account:
Go to http://safr.com/resellers
Click on Sign up to request a new Reseller Account
Complete the form to request an account.
Reseller name, website, and country for your company
Enter your company email address
Shortly after you will receive an email to confirm your email address. Click the link to verify your email address.
Your request is then sent to our sales operations team for processing. You can expect a response typically within 4 business hours. Feel free to contact us at support@safr.com if you have any questions.
Once approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to activate your account.
3.2 Create a Customer Software Account for each deployment
Use SAFR Cloud or SAFR On-Premises Server to manage multiple devices centrally and synchronize people from your access control software.
If using SAFR Cloud, SAFR SCAN can connect to a single SAFR Cloud Customer Account from multiple independent local area networks (LANs) if network firewalls allow for outbound HTTPS.
If using SAFR Server, one SAFR On-Premises Customer Account is required for each LAN where SAFR will be installed, assuming routing is not available between each LAN. A single customer of SAFR SCAN may have multiple accounts if needed.
To create a SAFR Cloud or SAFR On-Premises Server perform following steps:
Go to http://safr.com/resellers
Sign in with your SAFR Reseller Account credentials.
Choose “Request customer account” in account menu in upper right.
Choose the SAFR SCAN license type.
License defaults to On-Premises. If you need a SAFR Cloud hosted license, contact support@safr.com.
Complete the form to request a license.
Enterprise name, website, and country should be the organization where SAFR SCAN is deployed.
Email should be the user that will manage the license.
Obtain MAC Address from sticker on SAFR SCAN device or the box.
An email will be sent to the email address indicated above to activate the license and set a password.
3.3 Connect SAFR SCAN SAFR On-Premises Server
Use SAFR On-Premises Server to manage multiple devices centrally and synchronize people from your access control software.
Install SAFR Platform application
Go to http://safr.com/resellers.
Click on Product Downloads
Sign in with your SAFR Account
Select the desired operation system (SAFR SCAN supports Windows or Linux versions)
Download and install the SAFR Platform CUDA 10 Edition.
When installation is complete, sign into the Desktop Client using your SAFR Account credentials.
NOTE: You can install the software on only one machine. Once installed the software will bind to that machine. If you need to migrate to a new machine, contact support@safr.com to reset the hardware binding on your license.
Connect SAFR SCAN to SAFR On-Premises Server
Open the SAFR SCAN Web Console as described in First Run above
Navigate to System > SAFR Server.
Choose “SAFR Server”.
Enter the IP Address of SAFR Server and your SAFR Account credentials.
3.4 Connect SAFR SCAN to SAFR Cloud
Use SAFR Cloud to manage multiple devices centrally. SAFR Cloud does not support connection to an On-Premises access control software. Used SAFR On-Premises if this is required.
Connect SAFR SCAN to SAFR Cloud
Open the SAFR SCAN Web Console as described in First Run above
Navigate to System > SAFR Server.
Choose “SAFR Server”.
Enter the IP Address of SAFR Server and your SAFR Account credentials.
Sign into SAFR Cloud
Go to http://safr.com > Customer Portal > SAFR Cloud Web Console
Sign in with your SAFR Account
See SAFR SCAN Documentation at go to http://safr.com > Customer Portal > Documentation for information about SAFR Desktop and SAFR Mobile clients.