SAFR exposes REST API which can be called remotely or locally to access a wide variety of SAFR services. An overview of the Web API is located here:

OpenAPI reference documentation of the Web API can be found at the following locations:

OpenAPI Docs SAFR Cloud URL On-Premises SAFR Server URL
SAFR Computer Vision API (COVI) https://{{server_address}}:8081
SAFR Events Server API (CVEV) https://{{server_address}}:8083
SAFR VIRGA Server API (VIRGA) https://{{server_address}}:8085
SAFR Object Server API (CVOS) https://{{server_address}}:8087
  • For HTTP use even number ports 8080, 8082, 8084 and 8086
  • Omit /docs/index.html for Cloud API endpoints (e.g.


SAFR provides SDKs that work on multiple platforms for integration into native applications.

SAFR SDK Documentation

The SAFR SDK is a set of shared libraries that collectively implement an object tracking mechanism, face recognition, and event reporting. The object tracker is used to locate and track different types of objects (e.g. human faces or badges) in a video file or live video stream. Face recognition can learn new identities or match existing identities. The event reporter notifies your application of detection and recognition events. Object detection, face recognition, and event reporting are performed in real-time.

SDK are supported for the following OSs:

SAFR Embedded SDK

Embedded SDK should be used when the facial recognition software needs to run on a device with limited resources (e.g. RAM, CPU, or memory) without any internet or cloud connectivity. However, the device must still be able to perform tasks such as detection and recognition of images with varying conditions (e.g. insufficient lighting, people wearing hats or glasses, etc.) with a minimum response time.

Embedded SDK are supported for the following OSs: