August 2021 Release Notes
- Added RBG liveness detection support
- Added RBG liveness action support
- Added the Secure Access with Smile and RBG Liveness visual processing mode
- Added support for webm and mkv input video formats additionally supporting VP8 video codec
- Fixed liveness-related issue in the detector
- Fixed missing symbol on start of feed:
- Admin API to obtain all directories in use by tenant
- Added ARES command line option (-s) for saving credentials
- Credentials are saved in SAFRActions.config in encrypted form.
- Added non-FIFO queue handling to Queue Dashboard
- Enhanced server fall-back face detector accuracy.
- 480x480 retinaface detector is used as fall-back detector in HTFS
- This enhances enrollment reliability from images via web-console and APIs.
- It also enhances biometric event indexing reliability.
- It increase use of GPU memory usage by ~250GB (overall - not per feed).
- It can be disabled in face service config file via face_detection_fallback=false to reduce GPU memory usage.
- Reduced MongoDB binary size:
- Enhanced display of wait times in Queue Dashboard
- Added face selection query parameters
- Enhanced event server indexes/query speeds
- Enhanced access logs with client origin IP addresses
- Enhanced system auto-recovery robustness on MongoDB out of memory conditions
- Enhanced robustness of COVI start and re-start when MongoDB is offline
- Upgraded Apache for security patches
- Enhanced reliability of video file processing by VIRGO
- Starting video frames are now ensured not to be skipped due to slow initialization.
- Added event reporting support
- Enhanced sample app support:
- Added support for demonstrating: proximityThresholdAllowance, minimumUnrecognizedPersonEventDuration, recognizedPersonEventsOnly, postFaceImage, postSceneImage
- Added support for occlusion and masks.
- Added support for similarity score and face confirmed
- Added event reporting
- Bug fixes
- All platforms:
- Encrypted RGB liveness model