Understand Linux ARM eSDK Object Detection and Recognition

This page describes the SAFR Embedded SDK objects you use to detect and recognize objects.


A face detector instance allows you to detect faces in an image. All face detector APIs are synchronous. Parallelism/asynchronous behavior can be achieved by the caller by creating a thread and assigning the detector instance to that thread. This thread should then listen to detection requests and process them with the help of the face detector object.


A face detector instance is owned by a single thread. Only this thread may use the face detection services.

EARFaceDetection Types

Two face detector types are supported.

Similar face attribute values are expected for both face detectors.

kEARFaceDetectionHighSensitivityResolutions Property

You can configure the resolution of the HighSensitivity face detector by setting the kEARFaceDetectionHighSensitivityResolutions property. This property is similar to the minFaceSearchSize configuration parameter of the Normal face detector in that it depends on expected face resolutions. Unlike minFaceSearchSize, however, it's set when the face detector is initialized and can't be changed later on.

The default value for the HighSensitivity face detector resolution is 640x480: kEARFaceDetectionHighSensitivityResolutions_640_480.


A face recognizer instance allows you to recognize faces/persons in an image. All face recognizer APIs are synchronous. Parallelism/asynchronous behavior can be achieved by the caller by creating a thread and assigning the recognizer instance to that thread. This thread should then listen to recognition requests and process them with the help of the face recognizer object.


A face recognizer instance is owned by a single thread. Only this thread may use the face recognizer services.

EARFaceRecognition Model Type Options

The face recognizer supports two recognition models,

EARRecognition Model Performance Options

The face recognizer model has 2 options for optimizing performance.


An object detector instance allows you to detect objects and persons in an image. All object detector APIs are synchronous. Parallelism/asynchronous behavior can be achieved by the caller by creating a thread and assigning the detector instance to that thread. This thread should then listen to detector requests and process them with the help of the face detector object.


An object detector instance is owned by a single thread. Only this thread may use the object detector services.


A person store persistently stores information about a person. Every person is identified by a globally unique ID (UUID). Each person also has a signature the face recognizer generates. This signature property is an internal property that is not exposed to the user.

The user of the API may add arbitrary key-value pairs to a person. A key is always represented by a string, while a value is a sequence of arbitrary bytes. The person store does not interpret these bytes.


A single person store instance may be accessed from multiple threads at the same time.

See Also